Physiotherapy helps children improve their rolling, sitting, crawling, standing, walking, running, jumping, and climbing skills. Physiotherapy assessments focus on range of motion, strength, flexibility, gross motor skills, and functional play.
Physiotherapy can benefit anyone who has difficulties with their physical skills. We help children with many conditions including but not limited to those with:
Cerebral Palsy
Down Syndrome
Low muscle tone
Developmental delay
What role can caregivers play?
Parents and caregivers can be very involved in Physical Therapy depending on the interest and capacity of those involved. Caregivers are typically present in the room with the child during therapy, and frequently help the therapist understand how the child is doing at home and school, with attention to anything that has changed.
Services are provided to children from birth to 18 years of age. Inquire with the Child Development Centre office at 250-392-4481 for more information.