Need more information but can't find it here? No problem...check out these links below. Still not enough? Call us at 250-392-4481 or fill out our contact form and request more info on the topic you're interested in!

Here is a list of links that we thought you might be interested in:
Ability Online: A computer network designed to enhance the lives of children and youth with disabilities or illness by providing an online community of friendship and support.
Anxiety BC: Does this sound like your child or teen? Clinging, crying and/or tantrums when you separate Excessive shyness, avoiding social situations Constant worry.
BC Council for Families: Leadership through education training, advocacy and research for the healthy development of families.
Canadian Institute of Child Health: Dedicated to promoting and protecting the health, well-being and rights of all children and youth through monitoring, education and advocacy.
CHN/RCS: Health information you can trust. Brought to you by Health Canada and major health organizations across the country.
Kelty Mental Health: The Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre provides information and resources on mental health disorders and substance use affecting BC youth and their families.
Parent and Child Early (PACE) Coaching Project: In 2016, ACT- Autism Community Training received funding from the BC Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) to support the implementation of the PACE Coaching Project. The goal of PACE Coaching is to develop, implement, and evaluate an evidence-based parent coaching intervention for children aged 15 to 30 months who are at risk of, or diagnosed with, autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Check their newsletters.
Today’s Parent: A parenting community to call your own, with a library of information on all the ages and stages of your growing family, fun tools and features, discussion forums to swap advice with other parents, and contests that give you the chance to win fantastic prizes.
United Way of Canada: Change starts here
Variety – The Children’s Charity: Variety raises funds and distributes grants throughout British Columbia that provides life-saving, life-changing and life-enriching support to families with children who have special needs.
Selecting Toys A helpful blog about finding age-appropriate toys for kids.
Fun Links for Children
Here are some sites that are sure to please if you are looking for craft ideas, coloring pages, nature and fun stuff in general.
Elmer the Safety Elephant: Elmer the Safety Elephant is one of the best known and best loved symbols of child safety. To hundreds of thousands of children across Canada, Elmer is a constant reminder to be careful in traffic. He also reminds them about playground, bicycle, fire, railway and home and community safety.
PBS – Where kids can be a kid: This site provides entertainment activity ideas with recognizable characters. Children will love to find coloring pages, read stories, and learn about science all on this site.
Kids Fun Online – Scholastic: Bringing children and books together. At Kids Fun Online children will be introduced to new titles, find out about authors, and play games.
The Child Development Centre recommends that children be supervised by an adult when exploring the Internet.